Monday, March 28, 2011


I feel like I am going into my degrassi-obsessed tv phase all over again, expect this time it's with pretty little liars. What can I say, I love the show! My favorite character is Spencer, and oh my gosh, I feel so bad for her, everything with Ian and Melissa. I definitely do NOT like her sister! How scary was that when Ian's body dissapeared? I'm thinking maybe "A" is still trying to frame spencer and make it look like she made Ian dissapear or something like that. Who do you think the black hoodie was? I have absolutely no idea. All I know is that Melissa is going to freak when she hears about Ian's dissapearance. As far as Aria goes, I think she is being totally ridiculous about the whole thing with Mr. Fitz. I mean, come on, it's not like she hasn't dated guys before who have broken up with her. If they didn't, then she would definitely still be with them. I don't know, everyone loves Aria, but she is probably my least favorite. But I love her  style, and Spencer's too :)

I can't believe I have to wait until june 14th for another pretty little liars episode...huh.. so sad :(

1 comment:

  1. I am obsessed with both Degrassi and Pretty Little Liars. I haven't read the books, but I feel like people who watch the show first and then read the books won't like them. I have heard from several people who read the books first that the show was a disappointment.
    I love it though, June 14th is too far away!
