Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Trends

Hey bloggers :)

I'm in study hall right now and extremely bored because I have no homework to do. So of course, I blog.  Well, actually I will probably be out of study hall by the time that I post this, but whatev...

Haha, actually it's spring break now that I'm finally posting this...huh....

I've been getting a lot of fashion inspiration lately, which is a change for me, because for the past year I've kind just been obsessing over nail polish over anything else. These "trends" are just my opinion and view on what I think is becoming popular for hair, makeup, and fashion in spring. And as always, make sure to add your own unique twist to all of thee "trends" to make your style truly one of a kind! Enjoy :)


1. Braids- This spring, pretty much any type of braid in your hair is extremely popular. Wether it is a braided headband to jazz up your normal ponytail, it's all good. I personally really love fishtail braids because it is something a little different from the norm. The other good thing about braids is that it leaves really nice curls/waves in your hair if you leave them in for a long time. And it makes really unique looking curls if you already have curly hair.

2. Messy buns- Really messy do's are really cute and casual for this spring. At my school, a lot of girls are just wearing casual buns. Not real buns with bobby pins and everything, but just those double ponytail buns. There is not that much to this look and it is as simple as simple can be, but that is probably why it is one of the biggest trends. With a few loose fly-aways and a cute bow bun, you'll be good to go.

1. Cropped Tops- Flowy, comfortable, baggy, cute, playful, breezy, everything about them just sounds and looks like spring. You can get a plain color or a cool design to jazz it up. Since almost everyone is wearing these, and I didn't want to just be like everyone else, I got a cropped top with an artistic and unique butterfly design. You can really do a lot with cropped tops and they can work for many different things. They also look cute with a blazer and leggings. Leggings are good for spring too :)

2. Feather Earrings- Feather earrings are great for the boho/indie/hippie style. They can also be edgy too.  They are just really fun and fashionable and can make any plain outfit instantly chic. But of course, since I so passionate about my veganism, make sure you get FAKE feathers. Because what they do to animals in the fashion industry is more cruel that most people know about. The earrings might be cute, but trust, what they do the birds is not. If you get the earrings from a place like Charlotte Russe or Claire's, they will most likely be fake or recycled. But if you get them from a more expensive brand than they will probably be real. Feather earrings of course remind you of birds, which remind you of spring. They are really pretty with curled hair and you can get them in all sorts of pretty colors.

3. Big jewelrey- Big rings and big rings are so stylish for this spring. Of course, you don't want to get earrings that are so big they rip your earlobes, though. The most important thing to remember though is that the material matters more than the size, as far as damaging your ears. I've noticed that a lot of girls are using big and statement jewlrey (especially rings and earrings) to jazz up an otherwise ordinary outfit.

4. combat boots- combat boots are in for spring, no matter what your style is. Edgy, Girly, tomboy, punky, romantic, boho, indie, hippie, you name it, it can work for any style. I have seen girls with every single style you can think of, rockin' the combat boots! I mean, Come on, combat boots are just AWESOME.

5. Straight up florals-  Now I'm not talking about some slight florals details added in to decorate a shirt. I"m talkin about FULL ON FLORALS! It was popular last spring and its coming back this year. If you want to edge up this look a bit, just add some black lace up combat boots and a pleather jacket (fashionably animal friendly!). This is a style that Aria Montgomery from Pretty Little Liars seems to go for a lot in the show.

6. The "distressed look"-distressed jeans, combat boots. I don't want to say too much about this spring trend because I will be doing a seperate blog post about it sometime in the near future.

7. Animal-inspired fashion- Owl necklaces, elephant necklaces, feather earrings, ladybug rings, dove bracelets, anything that has to do with insects or animals is a trend for spring. It seems to be insects in particular though. I have even been seeing ant/beetle rings, and as strange as it might sound, it actually adds a very interesting and quirky touch to someone's fashion look. I personally really like it. I think it's fun and different. This is mostly in jewlrey, but I have seen it in clothing items, too.

1. Orange lips- I know it sounds crazy, but come on, it's unique. I wouldn't recommend sporting this look if you are in middle school like me, but if you are a little bit older you might be able to pull off this really bright and fun lip color. If the idea of orange lips is a little intimidating or just not appropiate for your school, a nice coral shade is a good alternative.

2. Almost black nail polish- now I know that spring is usually the time for pastel nail polish, but darker nail polish is actually really becoming popular. This year, the romantic mixed with edgy look is becoming really popular, which is probably why dark nails are in for spring. Any shade that is so dark that it looks black, but really is not. OPI has a lot of these types of colors. Some examples are Lincoln Park After Dark (a favorite for many) and Here Today, Aragon tomorrow.


  1. I love fishtail braids/plaits.
    Recently I purchased lots of feather earrings, check my blog in a week or so to see them posted.
    I wear orange lipstick quite often, but a more blue-based orange since I am very pale.
    I love wearing dark inky blue colours on my nails; so in the sun it looks like I wearing a dark colour, but in the shade it looks black.
    I can't stand crop tops, unless you are at the beach or the gym.

    I'm following your blog and I would love it if you could check out mine and follow it pubicly: jaciwalker.blogspot.com


  2. I love messy buns, cropped tops, and the distressed look. Not sure about the orange lips tho'! :) Don't think I would be able to pull that off myself, but I'm sure it must look really good on some people.

  3. I'm in study hall to because we go to the same school(and we are best friends)! I know, it does sometimes get a little boring. :)
