Friday, April 29, 2011

Tag: Back in the Day

1. What was your favorite gaming system/Device?
I was absolutely obsessed with my Nintendo DS! My friend and I both had the Ninten Dogs or whatever it's called, and we played it all the time. I got waayy too connected to that game!

2. What was your favorite TV Show?
Gosh, I don't remember! I am pretty sure that I really like Madeline, though. I mostly watched PBS kids as a child. I also loved cartoons, like Tom & Jerry.

But I have to say that my all time favorite tv show was the powerpuff girls. My friends and I used to always play with the little powerpuff girl dolls and get into fights over who got to be Blossom.

3. What was your favorite movie?
The only movies that I watched were disney movies and shirley temple movies. My grandmother and I both loved Shirley Temple. My favorite disney movie that I liked to watch was 101 dalamations.

4. What was your favorite food or drink or meal?

When I was really young, I loved Persian pastries and cookies! I also, of course loved vegetarian food, since I turned vegetarian at the age of 5 :)

5. What was one of your most important objects?
I had this stuffed animal dog named Bingo that I would never leave out of my sight. I named it Bingo and slept with her every single night! When I was especially young, I actually convinced myself that she was a real dog. Silly, I know, but it was cute.

6. What was your career aspiration?
I wanted to be an artist and a writer. I still enjoy writing poetry and stories that I never seem to finish up, but it's not like my dream job or anything anymore. I used to love drawing random pictures, but nothing really that special. I am generally artistic person, though :) That's where the fashion comes in.

7. What was your favorite computer game or online website?
I loved playing pac man and various mario games on random websites. None of those violent games...

OH, and I also loved Webkinz. You know, the game with the stuffed animals that you virtually take care of and stuff????

8. What was your favorite song, artist, or band?
Pretty much all the music that I listened to when I was younger was from the tv shows that I watched. Like the theme songs or just musicals. I liked the Bingo song.

9. Show a picture that could describe you as a child. 
I only have recent pictures of me on my computer.

10. What was your favorite book?
Doctor Suess will always be my favorite. All his books were my favorite.

11. What was your favorite store?
I think that I used to shop at the Children's Place alot. But I didn't really have one specific shop that I identified as my favorite store, you know?

Anyways, so that is the tag. Lot's of fun questions. I tag anyone who is reading this and feels like doing it :)

Here is the link to Jaci Walker's tag post:

1 comment:

  1. I do remember you from "back in the day" : )
